I know my blog seems to keep my head in Asia a lot of the time, but there is good music all over, sometimes even in our own backyards, sometimes even in Selkirk, Manitoba. If you are from Selkirk, and chances are pretty good you're not, you probably already know who I'm talking about.
A few summers ago I remember being invited to a birthday/karaoke party in Winnipeg. Usually my miscreant friends would scoff at such an idea but the girl was very sexy so of course we went. It was my turn to drive out and I don't like driving in the big city so much. Not because I can't but because I don't think I can (if that makes any sense). Needless to say I got us where we needed to go and not any further. We did the karaoke thing for a while which was decent enough but when it came time to leave I wasn't quite in the head space to tackle the road again so I suggested going to The Royal Albert - a cool, if not slightly dangerous punk rock club that was literally down the street from the karaoke place. When we entered the club we were greeted by the usual toughs along with a group of teddy boys with unusually tall quiffs. My friends and I were all fans of the rockabilly after just having seen the Reverend so when we saw a upright bass on the stage we knew we were in for a treat and we were, as The Farrell Brothers got on the stage.
The Farrell's, who describe themselves as frantic rockabilly with a country twang, are a quartet that knows how to have a good time. At their live shows it's hard to imagine even the most jaded beer wolves not tapping their toes at some point during the performance. Everything from outlaw country to old-time gospels get their moment in the sun, all spiced with a hint of punk tuneage. Led by proud Selkirk natives Shawn on hollow-body and Gordie Farrell on upright, their energy is as contagious as it is inspirational. Some people don't like Shawn's constricted, almost constipated at times, vocal style but I'm willing to look the other way as it fits the music and he's such a nice dude. Burning Desire is a newer Farrell track which doesn't nearly highlight the range of the group but shows them progressively coming into their own.
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There is nothing in life I enjoy more
than music. Like Tower Records says,
No Music No Life. This blog is dedicated
to the music that makes me smile.
I hope you’ll like it too!
The picture of me is by my awesome
sister, Kelly! It makes me smile a lot!
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