It's my 50th entry! Again. Apparently my math isn't too good. I blame Blogger as it tells me a slightly different story each time I log on. I'm not complaining though, because I probably wouldn't have written my last entry so quickly if I hadn't thought I had hit the big five oh.
Today's band is Mecha Nero and that's Mecha as in mechanic not as in the Japanese "very" to all you novice Japanese speakers. It was only through my poor katakana skills that I was able to establish that. Mecha Nero seems to borrow largely from bands ranging from Clammbon and Scarlet to heavier acts like the now sorta defunct Number Girl and Zazen Boys. Their first album came out in late 2005 so that makes them relatively new on the music scene. In fact it's only though my search for yesterday's Fishmans video that I came across them. So they are also very new to myself. It's a nice little discovery that I'm happy to share. Mecha Nero is one of those bands that if I were to show up at a live concert people at the door would greet me with one of those "what are you doing here?" faces. And I'd likely spend the remainder of the night standing in a crowd listening contently to my little discovery while the people around me think the same thing. And I don't blame them for that because foreigners are usually at the lame wannabe American hip hop joints trying to get with the Japanese girls. Luckily, some Japanese people would have the nerve to approach me when I was at these smaller clubs and I made a few really good friends. I really wanted to be a part of the "real Japan" and was happy to leave my country (read: rural Manitoba) at the door.
This video is from 'Mekurumeku Sekai' the bands first full-length album which features a 90's alternative sound with sweet Japanese female harmonies. It's a nice bit of pop if there ever was. It looks it was filmed on a cheap little consumer camera and I like it a lot. Many of my days walking down the suburban bits of Osaka felt like this video looks. I'm also quite smitten by the Degrassi Junior stylings of the drummer, if you're reading this please drop me a line!
There is nothing in life I enjoy more
than music. Like Tower Records says,
No Music No Life. This blog is dedicated
to the music that makes me smile.
I hope you’ll like it too!
The picture of me is by my awesome
sister, Kelly! It makes me smile a lot!
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