I am starting to think the one-two video combos that have been showing up in more and more posts is going to become a regular feature in my blog. As this thing continues to grow and evolve it's becoming more apparent that one video does a pretty poor job of highlighting talented artists. To get a feel for the range of these musicians one really needs a minimum two examples of their work. Of course I doubt this is going to happen 100% of the time but when I feel one isn't enough, two will do nicely.
On my way home from a late after work drink, I was listening to the radio when I heard "Donna Summer" as I've never heard her, erm him before. I don't much go for the disco on the whole but some of the elements can go a long way when mixed sparatically with hardcore, acid and a wide assortment of non-over-the-counter hooks and jabs. That's something I learned after the bar from a visionary going by the name Jason Forrest. Stealing generously from the fountain of disco (amongst a vast number of other genres), Germany's Forrest is a master at disturbing and contorting it into his own brand of cock rock disco. Funny then that happens to be the name of the label he created, Cock Rock Disco. Like the label implies, Forrest may be slightly irreverent at times in his homage to the gods of disco but that doesn't make him insincere. This is the brand of breakcore noise terrorism that tastes more like fun than a reich-inspired experiment in cold sample crunching.
Up until 2004, Forrest recorded under the name 'Donna Summer' which is someone he's not, though an apparent fan. Other bands on his label following his vision go by cheeky names like 'Duran Duran Duran' and 'Dev/nul'.
Enjoy the sample chasing that is the magic of Jason Forrest in the two groovalicious tracks that rock straight from the crotch.
New reports are claiming Ultram to be highly addictive - the FDA must have decided that the drug works to well and it is too cheap so they put out these reports.I have never felt anything that would make me addicted except pain relief that enables me to perform my daily tasks. People need to speak up quickly. My Doctor has decided he wants me to try Elavil which caused rapid weight gain and Cymbalta or Celebrex (very expensive - hmmm!) which caused sexual dysfunction and I felt like a zombie.
There is nothing in life I enjoy more
than music. Like Tower Records says,
No Music No Life. This blog is dedicated
to the music that makes me smile.
I hope you’ll like it too!
The picture of me is by my awesome
sister, Kelly! It makes me smile a lot!
1 comment:
New reports are claiming Ultram to be highly addictive - the FDA must have decided that the drug works to well and it is too cheap so they put out these reports.I have never felt anything that would make me addicted except pain relief that enables me to perform my daily tasks. People need to speak up quickly. My Doctor has decided he wants me to try Elavil which caused rapid weight gain and Cymbalta or Celebrex (very expensive - hmmm!) which caused sexual dysfunction and I felt like a zombie.
Tramadol Without a Presription
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