Uhhh... when you see entries like this I'm guessing you really have to question my taste in music. I'm not saying I like what I'm about to show you (tho I definitely do love it in some perverse way) but I feel more like showing you this than anything else I have found today. I have plans but I don't want this to become an exclusively J-music blog and every now and then I like to throw you a little curveball. This is the first ever Tuesday WTF. Today's song is called DotA from 21 year-old Swedish musician and DJ (guy in his basement) Jonas Altberg more often known as Basshunter. DotA, for all you noobs is an acronym for 'Defense of the Ancients', which is a custom map for Warcraft III. Don't worry about me too much I had to look that one up... DotA from Basshunter's second eurodance CD entitled 'LOL <(^^,)>' which just proves how 1337 this dude really is. (That's an emoticon of Kirby, btw) The song is about Basshunter and his friends, using the voice communication application Ventrilo while they are playing DotA. Apparently, their hot girlfriends are happy to sit on the floor in total darkness while the geekmoles play online games. Only later into the video we find Basshunter taking all the girlfriends out on the town, I guess it was his turn to entertain the girls while his buddies game the night away. Even then all he can do is sing about how much he loves his game. I'm not great with the ladies but I'm not that BAD either! Note towards the end of the video some guy is holding a sign that I swear says 'ASShunter' - not sure how I should take that. If you like gaming, cheese and Swedish club chicks you've come to the right place. I'm going to listen to this at least one more time.
If the YouTube version isn't hi-fi enough for you than check out this site dedicated to translating this gem into seemingly every language on earth.
There is nothing in life I enjoy more
than music. Like Tower Records says,
No Music No Life. This blog is dedicated
to the music that makes me smile.
I hope you’ll like it too!
The picture of me is by my awesome
sister, Kelly! It makes me smile a lot!
Wow this song rocks...
Jonas Altberg knows wat he's doin'
Yeah I know...
My hockey team even listens to this before our games.........
This song kicks ASS!!! Its Awesome!!!...Very addicting
does anyone know the pronunciatioin(i can't spell.) for this? if you do please post it.
It's doh-tah.
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